We’re Sydney’s specialists in sandstone repointing, servicing the Eastern Suburbs, North Shore, Northern Beaches, Inner West and CBD. UK trained, BrickFix Remedies’ Principal Billy Ganley has over 20 years of experience in restoring historic stonework.
What is Sandstone Repointing?
Repointing is the process of replacing the outside portion of mortar joints where the prior mortar has deteriorated or been removed due to its condition.
Degraded mortar not only looks bad, but allows water to enter the stonework, potentially damaging it further as well as causing problems with damp and mould.
Repointing sandstone involves removing and replacing loose and crumbling mortar between stones with Brickfix’s specially formulated mortar.
We will always try to replace mortar with a formula as close to the original as possible to preserve the structure’s historic aesthetic and architectural integrity.